The owner of the 3-unit triplex at 1633 S Avers Avenue (Chicago IL 60623) saw their Cook County property tax assessment increase 2,080% between 2023 and 2024. This is not a typo. The Cook County Assessor increased their opinion of the value of this property from $16,050 ($5,350/unit) to $350,000 ($116,667/unit). How can the value … Read more
Posts Tagged property taxes
When Does A Texas Property Tax Protest Have to be Resolved?
Homeowners considering protesting their property tax appraisal understandably have several questions. But before we answer these questions, it is important to understand how your property value is determined. HOW IS MY TAX BILL CALCULATED? In Texas, property taxes are determined at the county rather than the state level. Two factors impact the taxes: Taxable value … Read more
Home improvements and their effect on property taxes
Most homeowners have the question, “Do I get a tax break on the money I’ve spent?” on their minds when they are fixing up their homes. The answer differs based on the kind of improvements and how well the expenses incurred are tracked. In most cases, the money that is spent on the capital improvements … Read more
Top 10 places to settle down after retirement
Are you searching for a serene environment to retire and spend the rest of your days in peace? Then you must definitely consider the tax rates in that particular county or state because you should not waste most of your fine saved savings to disburse on taxes! Here are the top 10 places in which … Read more
Important Tax Deadlines and Dates of 2021
Looking for fresh new updates of 2021 tax deadlines? Then here is the exact one you have been looking for. Keep an eye on the deadlines so that you don’t miss anything! Jan 15, 2021 4th quarter estimated tax payments are due Entrepreneurs and self-employed people who need to pay back their tax payments for … Read more
Assessed Value’s Significance On Property Tax Calculation
What is the assessed value? An assessed value is a particular value assigned for a property that helps in taxing purposes. It is calculated with the help of sales comparables of various neighboring properties. It is assigned by the state or local government to calculate the property taxes of that particular property. An assessor directly … Read more
Covid 19 affects on property taxes
It was in the mid of March, that we started accepting the new normal of covid-19. From the very beginning of the quarantine, the real estate market was into a storm of highs and lows. Though the work-from-home policies of various companies succeeded with their workflow, this has emptied most of the commercial properties and … Read more
Protesting Property Taxes During A Pandemic
Texas property tax rates have always been skyrocketing and many property owners out there are expecting to see a tax break because of the current economic situation, but sadly it is not on the horizon. With COVID-19 hitting the real estate market, Texans are not likely to see any tax break in 2020. The opportunity … Read more