May a property owner pay a portion of delinquent taxes?

Some tax collectors allow delinquent property owners to pay delinquent taxes in installments for up to 36 months. A tax collector isn’t required to offer this option. Before signing an installment agreement, you should know that the law considers the taxpayer’s signature an irrevocable admission that you owe all the taxes covered by the agreement.

If I’m elderly or disabled and can’t pay my taxes, will the taxing units sell my house and put me on the street for not paying my taxes?

If you are 65 or older or disabled, you may defer or postpone paying any current or delinquent property taxes on your home for as long as you own and live in it. To postpone tax payments, you must file a tax deferral affidavit with the appraisal district. You may suspend any lawsuit by filing … Read more

If I didn’t receive a tax bill, don’t I get more time to pay without penalty and interest?

No. State law provides that failing to send or receive a tax bill does not affect the validity of the tax, penalty or interest due by an individual, the tax’s delinquency date, the existence of a tax lien or any procedure the taxing unit institutes to collect the tax. Property owners know that property taxes … Read more

When can the additional penalty for attorney fees be added?

Taxes that become delinquent on or after Feb. 1, but no later than May 1, and remain delinquent on July 1 of the tax year incur the additional penalty for attorney fees of up to 15 percent. The taxing unit must contract with an attorney to collect delinquent taxes. The tax collector must mail the … Read more

If I serve in the armed forces, may a taxing unit waive penalty and interest due on delinquent taxes?

State law allows you to request a waiver of penalty and interest on your delinquent taxes if you are in the United States armed forces during a war or national emergency declared in accordance with federal laws. To receive the waiver, you should file a Military Property Owner’s Request for Waiver of Delinquent Penalty and … Read more

Can a taxing unit waive penalty and interest due on delinquent taxes?

State law requires a taxing unit’s governing body to waive penalty and may waive interest on a delinquent tax if the taxing unit or its agent caused an owner’s taxes to go delinquent. The property owner must pay the tax no later than the 21st day after he or she knows or should have known … Read more

What is the amount of penalty and interest?

If taxes go delinquent, the tax collector adds a 6 percent penalty and 1 percent interest in February. Penalty continues to accrue at 1 percent per month until July 1. On July 1, the penalty is 12 percent. Interest continues to accrue at 1 percent per month until paid. For example, on July 1, unpaid … Read more

When is the deadline for paying taxes without penalty and interest?

The deadline to pay is Jan. 31. The tax collector will add penalty and interest charges to taxes that are unpaid on Feb. 1. In rare instances, a taxpayer may have a delinquency date later than Feb. 1 – check with your tax office.

But, I’m on a limited income because I’m disabled or elderly. Is there a special payment plan for age 65 or older or disabled persons?

A homeowner that qualifies for the age 65 or disabled exemption may pay current taxes on his or her home in four installments. The person must pay at least one-fourth of the taxes before Feb. 1. With this payment, the homeowner indicates that taxes are being paid in installments. The remaining payments are due before … Read more

May I pay only part of the taxes due?

State law allows taxing units, at their option, to authorize tax collectors to accept one-half of a taxpayer’s taxes by Nov. 30 and the remainder by June 30 without paying penalty and interest. Not all taxing units offer this option. Tax collectors may also choose to collect partial payments, payments by credit card or escrow … Read more