This tax strategy can help you increase your cash flow and help reduce the current tax liability, both at the same time. If you are looking to hold your hard-earned cash, then say YES to Cost Segregation. Understanding cost segregation Cost segregation is one of the best tax-saving tools that can help a taxpayer accelerate … Read more
Property Tax Reduction Blog
Can manufacturing facilities benefit from cost segregation?
A cost segregation study identifies personal property assets that are grouped with real property assets. The study then separates the personal assets for tax purposes. Personal property includes both a building’s non-structural elements, indirect construction expenses, and exterior land improvements. Conducting a CSS requires the experience of an engineer who has a good understanding of … Read more
Here is why property taxes are high in Texas
A property tax check is one of the biggest checks you might write every year as Texas has the highest property tax rate in the US. Property owners nearly pay more than one-third when compared to the national average. But why? Here are three major reasons listed out that explain why Texas has the highest … Read more
Are you living in Cook county? Then lookout for high property taxes!
Cook county is coming up with new plans to work on their tax codes and reforms to start from scratch! The property tax bills were late because it took a long time to correct the errors in the senior citizen exemptions program. The county assessor identified the problem with the senior citizen exemption program and … Read more
Here is How Texas Government Calculates Property Taxes.
Government agencies play a major role in determining the property taxes Texans owe every year. As the population in Texas is growing, the demand for housing booms, and the property values, in turn, increase the property taxes Texans pay every year. Determining how much the Texas property owners owe is quite a complicated process and … Read more