About O’Connor

Property Tax Help Specialists

O’Connor provides property tax appeal services to over 185,000 clients in over 49 states. Client tax savings totaled over $120 million in 2020. O’Connor has been serving property owners since 1974, almost 50 years. Client tax savings total over $1,000,000,000.

O’Connor measures its success in client property tax savings, not billings. Our goal is to save clients $1 billion annually.

O’Connor’s property tax help experts total over 200. Many have worked with us for 10+ years. We literally wrote the books on property tax reduction:
  1. Mass Appraisal for Commercial – What Every Commercial Property Owner Should Know! Coming Soon
  2. What You Need to Know about Business Personal Property
  3. Cut Your Texas Property Taxes

property tax help

Experts at O’Connor

O’Connor’s property tax expertise is deep. We understand both what is taxable and what is not. We understand appeals better than any other firm, based on completing over 1 million property tax appeals. Our team achieves the best property tax appeal results for seven reasons:

  1. Our approach is uniquely aggressive. We appeal every property annually.
  2. We appeal to the highest level of practice every year. O’Connor coordinates more judicial property tax appeals than any other firm.
  3. Our consultants have close relationships with property tax assessors. They know what the assessors require to reduce property tax assessments.
  4. Our appraisal experts understand how to separate real estate from the intangible personal property for hotels, self-storage, medical office buildings, hospitals, emergency care centers, office, retail, warehouse, and apartments. Intangible personal property can comprise a third or more of total value and IS NOT subject to property taxes.
  5. Our tax appeal evidence files are exceptional due to a proprietary national database and a team of 30+ IT professionals. No other US firm has either the database or the large IT team to serve clients at scale.
  6. We are passionate about property tax reduction and understand the clients that want us to reduce every property every year. We are not able to reduce every property every year, but it is not for a lack of trying. This is the approach proven to minimize property taxes.
  7. We measure our success in property taxes saved for our clients and not infirm revenues.
    Enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program now to make sure you never pay more than your fair share of property taxes. There is no cost to enroll and there are no flat fees or upfront costs. There is no cost for our property tax appeal services; you only pay a portion of the savings in years we reduce your property taxes.

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