Appeal Deadlines for Kane County Townships Scheduled for 2024 Reassessment
TownshipsBoard of Review Filling Deadline
Big Rock8/26/2024
St. Charles9/9/2024
Sugar Grove7/22/2024

Property Tax Locations

Chicago Office

Chicago Office

(By appointment only)
75 Executive Drive,
Suite 349, Aurora, IL 60504 708-630-0944

Houston Office

Houston Office

2200 North Loop West,
Suite 200 Houston, TX 77018 713-686-9955

Dallas Office

Dallas Office

(By appointment only)
12300 Ford Rd., Suite #414
Dallas, TX 75234 972-243-9966

San Antonio

San Antonio Office

(By appointment only)
8632 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 105
San Antonio TX 78240 210-226-0829

Georgia Office
Georgia Office

Atlanta Office

(By appointment only)
4751 Best Road, Suite 316,
College Park, GA 30337 770-835-4126

Property Tax Protection Program Benefits
  • No flat fees or upfront costs. No cost ever unless your property taxes are reduced.
  • All practical efforts are made every year to reduce your property taxes.
  • Never miss another appeal deadline.
  • Property taxes protested for you annually.
  • You do not have to accept the appraisal district's initial guesstimate of value.
  • We coordinate with you regarding building size / condition to avoid excess taxes.
  • Free support regarding homestead exemptions.
  • Some years are good - typically 6 to 7 out of 10 will result in tax reduction for you.
  • The other 3 to 4 years out of 10 we strike out. Most often due to people issues in the hearing process. Some years we get an easy appraiser at the informal; some years someone who is impossible to settle with.
About O'Connor
Property Tax Help Specialists

O’Connor provides property tax appeal services to over 100,000 clients in over 40 states. Client tax savings totaled over $120 million in 2020. O’Connor has been serving property owners since 1974, almost 50 years. Client tax savings total over $1,000,000,000.

O’Connor measures its success in client property tax savings, not billings. Our goal is to save clients $1 billion annually.

With over 200 property tax experts, many of whom have worked with us for 10+ years, O’Connor has the expertise to help with your property tax questions and appeals. We literally wrote the books on property tax reduction:

  1. Mass Appraisal for Commercial – What Every Commercial Property Owner Should Know!
  2. What You Need to Know about Business Personal Property
  3. Cut Your Texas Property Taxes

The steps to appeal are complicated and may seem like too much work, but when O'Connor represents your property for appeal, we handle the details. We provide a property tax reduction service to residential homeowners in exchange for a contingency fee of 30 percent of all property taxes saved through administrative hearings or judicial appeal, for that tax year.